The Victorian Crime Watch Speak Up Inc. Committee represents the five Lions Districts in Victoria, and Southern New South Wales in Australia.
It was founded in 1983 to assist Lions Clubs to be on the lookout for neighbourhood crime. An ongoing purpose is to assist children who may experience stress through accidents, death of family members, or through involvement with emergency service or the Children’s or Coroner’s Courts.
The Committee encourages Clubs to purchase Teddy Bears for donation to local emergency services, or participate in one of our other projects.
With your clubs ongoing support of this worthwhile project "Operation Teddy Bear" is able to continue to supply bears to the Victorian Police and their SOCA unit, Bail Justice Association, Air Ambulance and the State Emergency Service Victoria. We also supply bears to other worthy institutions such as hospital, children's cancer units and other organisations dealing with children in distressed situations.
With your generous donations last year we were able to keep the program going and have a friendly bear within reach to those that needed it.
Operation Safe Plate is a program introduced by Victoria Police and their community partners to deter thieves from stealing your number plates. This is achieved by removing the existing fixing screws attaching your number plates, and replacing them with one way security screws.
Programs have run throughout Victoria at shopping centers and other venues. Victoria Police are assisted by volunteer community organizations such as Neighborhood Watch, Lions Clubs and others to run the program.
To make a donation, purchase goods distributed by Crime Watch, or find out further information about our programs contact Chairman Stan Falloon on 0418 555 035
For further information in relation to supply and distribution please contact Lion Shane Bruce on 0412 643 647